Changsha Red Cross organize donors to share donation stories inYuhua,Changsha,China

Changsha Shi
14 Sep 2018

Product Description

To celebrate the 4th WMDD in its own way. Changsha Red Cross organizes donation to share stories in Yuhua,Changsha. This event is the second event of the Changsha Red Cross. 250 students from Hunan Medical College participated in the event.为庆祝第4个骨髓捐献者日,长沙市红十字会举办造血干细胞巡讲活动走进长沙市雨花区,这次活动是长沙市红十字会举办的造血干细胞巡讲活动的第二场,来自湖南医药专科学校的250名学生参加了本次活动。


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