Ready Made Tweets

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Happy World Marrow Donor Day! Join the global effort and send a huge #ThankYouDonor to all heroes who signed up as blood stem cell donor. #WMDD2021

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Follow the #WMDD ‘moment’ to stay up to date about all that is happening for #WMDD2021 ⚡️ “World Marrow Donor Day 2021” by @WorldMarrowDonorDay

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September 18th is #WMDD2021. Spread the word to create awareness, and open the dialogue about the importance of blood stem cell donation in your community.

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#WMDD2021 is a perfect occasion for you to become a blood stem cell donor yourself. Want to potentially save someone’s life too? Find out how by using our simple tool; click the link for more information.

Know Jorges’ history (Spain)

The truth is, a lot of people wait for bad news to register as a donor, and I’m no different. I decided I wanted to donate when a family friend was diagnosed with leukemia. And I think that’s the only thing I regret; having waited for something to happen that made me want to donate […]

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