Join us and motivate as many people as possible to register as a potential lifesaver. Find below ideas on how you can contribute to a successful celebration of World Marrow Donor Day (WMDD). All forms of participation for WMDD, big or small, are encouraged. Be creative and let your heart speak. WMDD is open to everyone; Patients, donors, their family and friends, colleagues, companies, transplant centres, donor and/or cord blood registries/organisations, researchers, health professionals and health authorities.
Every year we award 3 organisations that have participated in the WMDD celebrations in an extraordinary way with an incentive prize, a creativity prize and a grand prize. The winners are invited to share their contributions with the entire community through an educational webinar, you can find the previous winners on our WMDD memory pages.
Becoming a blood stem cell donor is relatively easy and you will be joining a club of millions of donors globally.
- Commit to becoming a blood stem cell donor today and help improve the possibility of finding a match for patients in need.
- Contact your local blood stem cell donor registry to find out how to register, or use our donor tool to see if you are eligible.
- Encourage your friends and family to become a blood stem cell donor.
- Volunteer with your local blood stem cell donor registry to reach out to the members of your community, and help manage recruitment activities.
- Participate in World Marrow Donor Day with your social media networks and raise awareness in your personal community. Download all the media materials through the download button below.
Get involved with your organisation and compete for one of the WMDD prizes.
How to increase your chances of winning one of the prizes?
- Provide information to the public about the importance of becoming a blood stem cell donor.
- Use and share our WMDD media materials available for download on this website.
- Participation, promotion and reach on social media is important, as well as setting up PR campaigns for more conventional media like TV, radio, newspapers and press conferences.
- Participate in celebration opportunities provided by WMDD.
WMDD is not possible without the help of our valued partners. Our partners help WMDD get its wide exposure and make WMDD a truly special day for all marrow donors worldwide.
Get connected and inspire others! Use hashtag #wmdd2022, #WMDD and/or #thankyoudonor